TIBERIUS-AUCTIONS stands for experience and expertise in the worldwide art market.
From the world metropolis Vienna we reach the whole globe. Through three generations of active activity in the art and antiques trade, we have the competence and the necessary experience to correctly assess each important painting, sculpture and selected antiques and subsequently place them in the best possible way on the international auction market.
We deal with all areas of expertise and are able to auction not only national but also international art and antiques at top prices. In cooperation with important museums and public collections, the cooperation with experts and scientists from all fields of art, we can clearly expertize each object, subsequently describe it expertly and evaluate it optimally for an international auction sale.
As a global player, we are ideally positioned to meet the demands of today’s art market. Our experience and flexibility enable us to act quickly and expertly with our auction house. We sell objects all over the world from contributors from all over the world. Take advantage of Vienna’s location in the heart of Europe and the expertise of our team to auction your works of art at the best possible price!
We are looking forward to your visit at TIBERIUS-AUCTIONS.
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